By Peter Shaffer
Featuring Scott Middleton, Jeremy Kewley, Maggie Chrétien, Soren Jensen, Amanda Mckay, Sally Tatterson, Dylan Watson, Tilly Legge, Kellie Bray, Elijah Egan, Tom Kay & Damien Harrison.
Directed by Chris Baldock
This is theatre at its finest; an astonishing collaboration of text, performance and direction. To be prosaic, it’s bloody marvellous…Never have I seen it played with such intensity, power, rawness and vulnerability…Director Chris Baldock does not aspire to main stage and compromise – only to excellence, and raising the bar with every production. I am in awe of his vision…Its haunting beauty will stay with you for….well, until the next Mockingbird production. If you see one play for the rest of the year, make it Equus.” – Stage Whispers
“…Mockingbird Theatre’s staging of this superb play would not be what it is without Baldock’s superlative vision. His consummate direction, with Jason Bovaird’s emotive lighting and Natasha Moszenin’s haunting soundtrack, see re-enactments rolling out seamlessly before us, as Martin probes and prods; there is not one stilted moment. Above all however it is his ingenious ability to draw us hook, line, and sinker, into both Alan and Martin’s most intimate sanctums that is utterly breathtaking. Sir Shaffer should see this, see how Baldock must have fulfilled his theatrical object in every intricate way. And so should all of us.” – To Dad With Love
“Do whatever you need to do to get a ticket to Mockingbird Theatre’s ‘Equus’. Buy, steal, borrow, beg…This is a play not to be missed. It will leave you feeling moved, uneasy, exhausted and very much alive. Extraordinary.” – Weekend Notes
“Mockingbird Theatre have created an exceptional piece of art that will have you question your own conviction when it comes to true love. Both disturbing and beautiful, Equus is a deeply moving performance” – Australian Stage
“Chris Baldock’s superb direction ensures Shaffer’s script, with flashbacks, reenactments and the main action in an English psychiatric hospital, flows seamlessly, in continuous action…Equus is riveting, powerful theatre. Don’t miss it.” – Melbourne Observer
“Mockingbird Theatre continue to produce theatrically significant plays whose influence continues to be seen and felt in contemporary theatre. And there’s no better way to understand these works than by seeing them. Reading a play is one thing, but plays are not created to be read, they are created to live and be shared with an audience. Mockingbird are currently sharing Peter Shaffer’s Equus…Chris Baldock directs a strong production that respects the text…Highlight opening night performances were Soren Jensen (as Alan’s dad), Maggie Chretien (as Alan’s potential girlfriend) and Amanda McKay (as Alan’s mum). The horses were also terrific…If you haven’t seen, don’t know or simply love Equus, see this production; it’s a far better experience than reading the play and it’s a far better work than many of the shrink dramas that it inspired. And with an overwhelmingly positive reaction to its first shows, it’s already selling out, so booking is the best idea.” – Aussie Theatre
“This production is a perfect fusion of astute direction, fearless acting and beautiful writing. Chris Baldock’s golden touch seems to bring out the best of his cast…Middleton is absolutely fearless and riveting to watch as the central character. He clearly has explored the many layers beneath the writing in his characterization. As the psychiatrist, Dr Martin Dysart, the familiar face of Jeremy Kewley is a major coup for the show. It’s clear that experience is a gift, as Kewley brings humanity to this role as he slowly comes undone. His chemistry with Middleton is palpable and the two work together like a well oiled machine. As the Strang parents, Amanda McKay and Soren Jensen provide the catalyst for Alan’s dreadful act. McKay and Jensen’s characterisations are so distinct that the ying and yang of their respective portrayals is blindingly obvious – a credit to them both. Of particular note is Maggie Chrètien as Jill Mason. She has the least dialogue throughout the piece, but she gives one of the rawest performances in the entire show. Mockingbird are to be commended for yet another amazing show.” – The Theatre Nerd
“The most powerful and beautiful production I remember seeing. Masterful, expert and exceptional. It is such a glorious thing that people can create such art, so haunting and radiant. We must jealously guard this part of the human experience. It can transform minds and times. Equus most certainly will. WIth all my heart I thank you.”
“Unbelievable performance tonight. Loved every second of it. Cannot recommend it highly enough!”
“Great work tonight! The second act was stunning! Well worth the wait.”
“Congratulations to all involved with Equus. What a fabulous production and the acting was superb. Scott and Jeremy were exceptional. Loved the acting space too”
“Just home from the opening night of Mockingbird Theatre’s latest production Equus and boy was I left with my jaw open. This is seriously their best work since their highly acclaimed ‘Laramie Project’ last year. Chris Baldock has delivered a production that hits every mark in taking you for a journey through this well written story. Aside from the obviously brilliant and 100% committed performances by Maggie Chrétien and Scott Middleton, Soren Jensen and Amanda McKay are my standouts for the character actors. The stars of the show are the brilliantly realised horses choreographed by Kellie Bray. They are subtle where they need to be, and stunning in other moments. See this for a mighty fine piece of independent theatre that deserves a strong and sold out audience.”
“Congratulations to Chris and Mockingbird Theatre on an amazing production that they should all be proud of.”
“Wow! What a powerful show! Solid performances by all the Mockingbird crew but especially Scott, Maggie and Jeremy. Independent theatre at its best – GO AND SEE this amazing show people!!”
“SUBLIME! – nothing more needs to be said! “
“Equus surpasses all expectations. Mockingbird have proven yet again that they are the independent theatre company to watch!”
“Exquisite direction by Chris Baldock, the presence of the horses for the duration of the play and the subtle way they portrayed what was going on in Alan’s (Scott Middleton’s) head was genius, the costumes, set, lighting, sound…and performances are breathtaking, raw and honest. It feels like there are six horses on that stage and it’s a credit to each and everyone of them for embodying the animal so beautifully. I could go on but words won’t do it justice just MAKE SURE you see this show!”
“Thank you for your amazing work you talented bunch”
“Last night I saw some of the best, most powerful and touching theatre I have seen in a long time. Chris Baldock’s Equus is a total must see! The pain and anguish that Scott Middleton brings to the stage as Alan Strang is heartbreaking, and the emotive compassion of Jeremy Kewley as Dysart is compelling. I have seen this production 3 or 4 times now, and have even seen Simon Callow as Dysart, and this is by far and away the best production of it I have ever seen. The horses were powerful and subtle and absolutely terrifying in the final nightmarish scene. Congratulations to the cast and crew and Chris. You are sitting on one helluva play! To everyone else, go see it!”
“I went to the opening night of Equus on Saturday at the Brunswick Mechanics Institute….. I was completely blown away. Wow, what a production! It sent shivers down my spine! It has all of the right ingredients for powerful Theatre. The performances and the writing were so engaging, I was riveted from the off. The lighting and sound were bang on. For me, there’s nothing more powerful on stage than a strong, focused and tight ensemble, these horses were a stroke of genius on Chris Baldocks part and deftly played by the actors. In parts, it felt like there were real horses on stage. And the individual performances of the leads were spot on. So impressive. Amanda McKay, Soren Jensen, Sally Tatterson, Maggie Amanda, Jeremy Kewley and without doubt the finest performance I’ve seen from an actor here in Melbourne; Scott Middleton. Congratulations to the entire cast and crew of Mockingbird Theatre……utterly brilliant. You’d be mad to miss this!!”
“Congratulations Chris and actors. It was a fantastic show, a powerful story and very strong performances. Well done. A brilliant cast, a brilliant set and, of course, brilliant directing, made it the best performance I have seen for many years putting some of the so called professional productions I have suffered through to shame. I was amazed at the sheer genius of the play and how its central themes of religious dogma, mental health, sexual repression and living small lives have not changed since it was written. I could not fault anything about the production. A bravura performance by everyone involved. Well done!! I will recommend it to everyone I know. More strength to you and everyone involved. Bravo.”
“A heartfelt message to all: GO AND SEE EQUUS. A breathtaking production by the awesome Chris Baldock and his team.”
“Equus: a stunning @MockingbirdTh production. People in Melbourne should buy a ticket to see this outstanding play” (via Twitter)
“Must see show. Fantastic script and brilliant performances. Intelligent and affecting. Don’t miss it.”
“I’m exhausted after watching the show tonight! Bloody terrific! It kept me on the edge of my seat for the whole night! Loved it! Well done!”
“Equus is a stunning Mockingbird Theatre production. Congratulations to Chris Baldock and his fellow thespians. Those who live in Melbourne should buy a ticket to see this outstanding play. Essentially it was stylistically and symbolically evocative while tapping into pure performances from the leads. It engaged and challenged physically, psychologically, spiritually and intellectually. The story was enhanced and polished with finesse without detracting from the narrative. Slow build to intensity. 3 hours felt like one. See it!!! Chris Baldock you’re awesome! Perfect casting too!”
“People of Melbs, go see MockingbirdTh’s production of Equus. Beautifully staged, brilliantly acted. Amazing. Loved it. “(via Twitter)
“It’s refreshing to see engaging/intriguing/jaw-dropping theatre, with great performances, a beautiful set and flawless lighting & sound. Do yourself a favor peeps! See this show! Just amazing.”
“Just wanted to say how remarkable Equus was. It was a totally absorbing production where each and every actor showed tremendous commitment to their role and input. The believability of the horses’ movements and nuances were riveting. And their synchronization to Alan was also impressive. I loved the staging – such fluid movement from scene to scene, and the set and lighting totally enhanced the actors’ roles and the story. Highly impressive was Amanda McKay’s portrayal of the mother Dora – such a natural! The rhythm of exchange between the doctor and Alan (Jeremy and Scott) made these scenes so powerful and engaging to watch. The final staging and absolute focus of Scott Middleton in the final climatic scenes was obsessive madness at its finest – and such a hard thing to pull off in a live show, well done! This is a production that lingers in the mind long afterwards and the Mockingbird group are to be commended for being brave enough to tackle it and committed and talented enough to make it so memorable.”
“If you all haven’t booked yet, I would right now! Sitting in the midst of a naturally sold out show last night I was moved by all facets of this production that was well worth traveling from Sydney to experience. This is definitely not one to be missed. Equus will remain in your mind for a long time to come. I know that it will with me. Well done everyone and thanks for sharing your wonderful art.”
“Terrific work, cast and crew! Congratulations to all of you on the power of your performances in an intense production. The physical might, discipline and creation of the horses was outstanding!”